
Yehor Kravtsov, 10 y.o. Spent three months under occupation in Mariupol, writing down everything he saw there in a diary and making drawings.

Before I dreamed of being a builder. When we got out from the basement during the occupation and I was very hungry, I decided to become a chef to feed the whole world. So that all people would be happy and there would be no war.

On the morning of February 24, 2022, mom walked around the house and was very much worried, and then she said that I don’t need to go to school.

I realised that something was wrong. They have said that the war has started.

At first, I thought it was a joke, but then I heard the explosions. And then gradually electricity, gas, water, and heating was cut out.

While we were under occupation, I was reading, walking the dogs, and building. I built a cool shack using everything I could find: slate, debris, carton, and some rags. Then the dogs settled in, they liked it there. Well, then I am a handy-man. We stayed in Mariupol until May 30, and on the 22nd, it was my birthday. I was 9 years old. I remember how I woke up and went to swing – that was my favorite thing to do, and that's how I spent most of my time. I dreamed of receiving the charged phone as a gift, and mom and granny did it. To do this, they had to go to the market, take the phone and charger, connect them to the generator, and wait. It was difficult because of the huge lines. I was incredibly happy, but I forgot the password on the phone, so I turned it on only after the evacuation.

When we just came out of the basement, my uncle brought us books, diaries and pens to keep us from getting bored. I took the diary and started writing there. I mainly recorded what was happening and made notes about people. I also drew myself, the war, my birthday, and the nuke.

This diary was important to me during the occupation, it distracted me.

I wanted to take it with me and planned to continue writing. As a result, we evacuated to Burshtyn - city in Ivano-Frankivsk region, where we live now. I like it here – I eat, sleep, and go for walks most of the time. I don't keep the diary now because I don't know what to write in it.

I want to travel abroad and go to the sea. And although Ukraine is my favorite country, I want to see some others. The war is bad, and it seems to me that the dream of every Ukrainian is its ending. My biggest dream is to return to Ukrainian Mariupol.



3 Sun: I had a good sleep, woke up and smiled. I got up and read up to page 25.

Also my grandfather died on the 26th :(

I have a wound on my back, my sister's skin was torn out. She had a head wound. My mother's flesh was torn out of her arm and now she has a hole in her leg.

I am 8 years old, my sister is 15 years old, my mother is 38 years old. We have to bandage our wounds. My mother is the first, I am the second, my sister is the third.

A friend

By the way, I’ve got a new friend Vika. She is cheerful and she is our neighbor. She has good parents.

4 Mon: I woke up. Well, I smiled as it was yesterday and so on. Grandma went to get some water, she returned back home. By the way, my birthday is coming up.

And my two dogs and grandmother Galia died:( and the beloved city of Mariupol died during this time since 24th, Thu.

About Kuzia

I have a cat Kuzia, sorry for the handwriting. My friend and sister and I built a cat house out of cardboard. The cat was comfortable in the house, but the house has broken down. By the way, I tried to sleep alone, but I was scared of noise. So, of course, I slept alone, but on my grandmother's bed.
I want to leave. By the way, our ceiling is collapsing, my sister was saving our cat out from under the blockage.


I built a house for Bim out of 1 cardboard, 2 boards, and 3 slates. We have rain pouring day and night, but there are no thunderstorms.


And we had sheltered a dog, we fed it and gave it water, we named the dog Bim. By the way, at the time when we got injured, my grandmother was sitting and worrying about my grandfather and my great-grandmother.


I walk, my mother draws a picture, my sister reads and my grandmother too. My birthday is in 3 days. My mother promised to teach me how to make the scrambled eggs.

My notebook

Grandma Galia's mother died.


The night has come. Well, I didn’t sleep at night, because it was scary, the train was staggering from side to side. So I was just lying down. We were driving to Kyiv for the whole night.

Good stage

12 Sun: We left Mariupol via Berdiansk and Zaporizhzhia, to Kyiv by train. It was scary because it was the first time I had a ticket on the second floor. We were in the very last carriage.


Oh! I got confused, but okay. We lived in the basement at first. We sat on chairs there. Then they found a room for us and we lived there far from home. Then after 2 weeks we returned home, and then finally we had left the city.

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